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Fondée en 1975, l'Association est une organisation sans buts lucratifs qui se propose d'encourager et de dèvelopper au Canada l'ètude sous tous ses aspects de la pèriode dite patristique, entendue au sens large (du IIe au VIIIe s. de notre ère).

Since 1975, the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies has existed to promote and contibute to the academic study in Canada of the "church fathers". The society meets annually as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, which is held at a different Canadian university each year. Membership is open to all who share the objectives of the Society. University faculty, students, and private scholars who work in the field are particularly encouraged to join. There is a fee for membership, which normally includes a subscription to the journal Sciences Religieuses / Studies in Religion.

Information on the 2021 Annual Meeting can be found here.

The latest bulletin is now available.

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The Canadian Society of Patristic Studies is a member of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences / Fédération canadienne des sciences humaines. Contact webmaster.